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Eduroam Wifi Network

UL FGG participates in the eduroam federation. Eduroam ( is a secure, world-wide roaming wireless network access service developed for the international research and education community. It allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions.

If you are visiting UL FGG, please ensure beforehand that you are able to use eduroam when still at your home institution.

Instructions for Windows:
  •  Open web browser, go to
  • Click the big blue button that says “eduroam user: download your eduroam installer”,
  • Click “University of Ljubljana”,
  • Select “Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy”,
  • Choose your operating system,
  • Save and run the file that starts downloading,
  • When prompted, enter your username and password (your digital identity),
  • Click finish.
Instructions for other devices (Android, etc.):

Setup new wireless connection with the following settings:

  • Wireless network standard: 802.11b/g,
  • Network SSID (network name): eduroam,
  • Security standard: WPA or WPA2
  • Authentication: EAP-TTLS
  • Tunnelled protocol for authentication: PAP
  • Encription: AES (WPA2)or TKIP (WPA)
  • Assigning IP addresses: DHCP
  • Outer identity:

To access eduroam, the following is needed:

  • a laptop or another device (smartphone, pad, PDA)
  • which must be equipped with a WPA/WPA2 capable 802.11g/b wifi adapter;
  • also, the device must support 802.1x (EAP-TTLS) authentication either by the operating system or by additionally installed software,
  • and finally, username and password, provided by your home institution.

Students enrolled at UL FGG use their digital identity to access eduroam. At UL FGG, wireless connectivity is provided in the entry halls, in both libraries, along the corridors by the lecture rooms, in the offices, in the conference rooms, and in the computer labs. The quality of connectivity may vary.

If you expirience problems connecting to Eduroam contact support at your institution and or UL FGG Helpdesk.


Študenti za dostop uporabite uporabniško ime (v obliki in geslo svoje digitalne identitete, ki jo prevzamete na ID portalu Univerze. Tam lahko geslo tudi spremenite.

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