Department of Environmental Civil Engineering
Collaboration with industry is another important part of our activities. We believe only constant contact with practice can elucidate what society needs and what knowledge is required to successfully take on the global and local challenges now and in the future. The Department of Environmental Civil Engineering is more than the sum of its parts. The employees and students are aware of their responsibilities and opportunities offered by the challenges of today and strive for excellence in their work.
“Water is the main driver for the development of our societies. At the same time, water is one of the most threatened resources by climate change and our unsustainable economic development. The mission of our department is to educate engineers that will be capable of preserving our water resources and facilitate a sustainable development of societies. Water is a common point of many disciplines, thus our graduates are capable of interdisciplinary thinking and wider understanding of environmental processes, providing at the same time engineering solutions for water related problems. The increasing awareness of the consequences of climate change, i.e. extreme rain events, floods and droughts, is making this knowledge indispensable for sustainable future.”
Chairs within the Department of Environmental Civil Engineering:
Študij Vodarstva in komunalnega inženirstva
Leta 1995 je bil na Univerzi v Ljubljani organiziran interdisciplinarni podiplomski študij varstva okolja (IPŠVO). Pri izvajanju so s posebnimi sklopi predmetov sodelovale številne fakultete. Študentje so se vpisovali na vsaki članici univerze posebej, skupna so bila samo nekatera predavanja. Sedež študija, ki se je kasneje preoblikoval v univerzitetni podiplomski študij varstva okolja (UPŠVO), je bil na FAGG. Do septembra 2009 je na IPŠVO magistriralo sedem kandidatov, na UPŠVO pa en študent. Na univerzitetnem podiplomskem študiju Varstva okolja pa sta do danes doktorirala dva kandidata z UL FGG.
Fakulteta je leta 2007 akreditirala prenovljeni »bolonjski« študijski program – prvostopenjski univerzitetni program Vodarstvo in komunalno inženirstvo, ki ga je že začela izvajati v študijskem letu 2009/10, leta 2009 pa drugostopenjski magistrski študijski program Okoljsko gradbeništvo. Leta 2013 se je prvostopenjski študij preimenoval v Vodarstvo in okoljsko inženirstvo.
S prenovo študija na Univerzi v Ljubljani se je prenovil tudi UPŠVO in prerasel v interdisciplinarni doktorski študijski program VARSTVO OKOLJA, kamor se je v študijskem letu 2009/10 vpisala prva generacija študentov. Vpis na ta študij izvaja UL FGG.