1st Cycle Study: Geodetic Engineering and Real Estate Management BA
(former Technical Real Estate Management)
Geodesy is, beside astronomy, the oldest science known to humanity. As science it aims at defining the Earth’s shape, it measures and represents the Earth’s surface, and deals with drawing maps, use of GIS technology, recording real estate and managing space. Geodesy is also the intersection point of surveying, cartographic and representational areas of knowledge. What they all have in common is the focus on the Earth’s surface, translated into coordinates, different data bases and documents, maps and multidimensional representations, which are important commodities for all those managing land, buildings and waters.
An engineer of geodesy is an expert with academic education, who masters measurements with surveying methods, using different measuring procedures that lean on various technologies. His or her basic task is collecting and processing data on land and geographic features. Surveyor’s task is also research work and discovering new procedures for recording spatial elements.
Graduate of the first cycle higher education study program Geodetic engineering and real estate management acquires the professional title: DIPLOMIRANI INŽENIR GEODEZIJE (VS) – BACHELOR OF GEODESY (HE).
places for professional study program Geodetic engineering and real estate management (BA)
Basic goals of the programme
The basic goal of the Professional Bachelor Degree Programme Geodetic engineering and real estate management is to train expert with professional quality skills and fundamental theoretical and mostly practical knowledge in the fields of geodesy and real estate management.
Acquired knowledge:
- enables graduate quick and effective involvement in the work at the time of first employment,
- is a basis for independent follow-up of the profession in the context of lifelong learning,
- is an appropriate basis for the study of geodesy and geoinformation at the second cycle,
- enables transition between related study programs,
- ensures European comparability of achieved education.
General competences
General competences acquired by the graduate of the Geodetic engineering and real estate management are:
- the ability of defining, understanding in solving applied problems in the fields of geodesy and real estate management,
- the ability to critically assess concrete solutions,
- professional technical, environmental and social responsibility,
- the ability of professional written and oral communication,
- the ability to use selected information technologies in the fields of geodesy and real estate management,
- the ability to connect with other professionals and work in a team with experts from various fields,
- the ability to manage a small geodetic company.
Course-related competences acquired through the programme
With the programme Geodetic engineering and real estate management, the graduate acquires mainly the following course- related specific competences:
- knows the role and importance of real estate management in sustainability-oriented society with support of geodesy and geoinformation,
- independently solves all types of typical practical tasks in the field of data recording and less complex real estate rearrangements,
- understands and makes professional use of contemporary geodetic technologies and methodologies to the benefit of creating and maintaining data bases,
- records boundaries of private properties and boundaries of other rights on real estate,
- evaluates real estate market values,
- records and maintains data bases for the needs of real estate taxation,
- knows and interprets the meaning, form, quality, sources, acquisition and maintenance of spatial data for the needs of urban and rural spatial planning and definition of land use,
- takes part in the preparations of spatial acts,
- takes part in planning, design and implementation of interventions into space,
- develops geodetic works:
– in detailed surveying,
– in the construction of less complex structures,
– within legal procedures for the needs of real estate recording, - maintains land information systems,
- understands cartographic presentations of spatial data,
- cooperates with investors, designers and contractors in interventions into space,
- knows the bases of legal and administrative system important for surveyor as well as for managing and recording space
- is aware of the importance of the principles of sustainability in the planning and execution of geodetic and construction works, as well as the sustainable management of space and natural resources.
Conditions for enrolment and selection criteria when enrolment is restricted
The conditions for the enrolment into professional first cycle bachelor degree program 1 Geodetic engineering and real estate management are in agreement with article 38 and 38b of the Higher Education Act and Article 115 of the Statute of the University in Ljubljana. To enrol to the professional bachelor degree program Construction Management the candidates are required to:
- pass school-leaving exam in a four-year secondary school programme;
- pass professional matura exam;
- pass matura exam.
- finish equivalent education abroad.
The number of places is determined in the Call for enrolment into second cycle study programmes of the University of Ljubljana individually for each academic year.
In the event of restricted enrolment, the candidates will be selected according to:
- general success in school-leaving exam or (professional) matura exam: 60 %,
- general success in the 3rd and 4th year: 40 %.
Knowledge and skills required for the admission to the program
Knowledge conforming in contents and scope the contents of the courses in the professional first cycle bachelor degree programme 1 Geodetic engineering and real estate management may be acknowledged. The recognition of knowledge and skills acquired before the enrolment is subject to the decision by the Study Board of the Department of Geodetic Engineering of UL FGG based on student’s written application, certificates and other documents that prove successful acquisition of knowledge and the contents of the knowledge, and in accordance with the Rules on procedure and criteria for the recognition of informally acquired knowledge and skills, adopted at the 15th meeting of the Senate of UL, 29.5.2007.
For the acknowledgement of knowledge and skills the following is considered:
- certificates and other documents evidencing finished courses and other forms of education,
- evaluation of products, services, publications and other own works of students,
- evaluation of knowledge acquired by the student with individual education or empirical learning (possibility of performing study obligations without participation at lectures, practicals, seminars),
- adequate work experiences are taken into account.
Shall the Study Board of the Department of Geodetic Engineering, UL FGG, establish that the acquired knowledge can be acknowledged, this is evaluated with the same number of ECTS points as the number of ECTS points of the course.
Advancement conditions according to the program
Conditions for progression from one year to another
Conditions for progression according to the study programme are harmonised with Article 151 of the Statute of the University of Ljubljana.
Students are allowed to enrol to the second study year after completing by the end of the academic year all the obligations foreseen by the study plan and achieving 52 credit points according to ECTS. Students are allowed to enrol to the third study year after completing by the end of the academic year all the obligations foreseen by the study plan and achieving at least 50 credit points according to ECTS.
Exceptionally, students may enrol to the next year also when failing to complete all obligations defined by the study programme for the enrolment to the next study year, by providing justified reasons as defined by Article 153 of the Statute of UL (maternity, longer illness, extreme family and social circumstances, certified status of a person with special needs, active participation in top professional, cultural and sports events, active participation in the university bodies).
Considering the conditions from the above paragraph, students may also enrol to the next year when they accumulate at least 45 credit points according to ECTS. The enrolment according to the above paragraph is the course of the decision by the Study Board of the Department of Civil Engineering at UL FGG.
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering has been offering tutorship and supervision for its students for several years. We are planning to introduce similar system of help to students also within the new professional bachelor degree programme »Construction Management«, which is in accordance with item 9 of Article 7 of the Criteria on Accreditation. From the first year onwards students shall have mentors of each class, while smaller groups of students will also have individual tutors – teachers and students from higher years, who will help them select orientation, elective courses, etc.
Students with above-average study results are allowed to advance at a faster rate. An adequate decree thereof shall be adopted by the Senate of FGG based on a candidate’s application and on opinion of the Study Board of FGG. The decree also defines the principles of faster advancement.
Conditions for repeated enrolment in the same year
In accordance with Article 152 of the Statute of the University of Ljubljana, students who have not completed all study obligations for the enrolment in higher year, defined by the study programme, are entitled to the repeated enrolment only once for the duration of the study, provided that they have achieved at least 30 credit points according to ECTS.
Conditions for extension and suspension of the student status
The conditions for the extension of the student status are defined by Article 158, and the conditions for the suspension of the student status by Article 240 of the Statue of the University of Ljubljana.

Requirements for completion of the study
Students finish the study by accomplishing the foreseen obligations totalling 180 credit points according to ECTS, including practical training and diploma thesis. According to the Professional and Academic Titles Act the graduate is awarded with the professional title diplomirani inženir geodezije (VS*), abbreviated as dipl. inž. geod. (VS*), level 6/2; note: *visokošolski strokovni študij.
In compliance with the Professional and Academic Titles Act (Official Gazette No. 61/2006) professional and scientific titles as well as titles acquired by education shall not be translated to foreign languages. However, as reference only, the title acquired according corresponds to the English title Bachelor of Geodesy (PS*); note: * Professional Study.
Transfer between study programmes
Transfer between programmes shall mean termination of education in the student’s original study programme (first programme) and continuation of education in the first cycle professional study programme of Technical Real Estate Management (second programme), in which a part of the completed study requirements from the first study programme are recognised as completed.
Transfers are possible from the first cycle study programmes, and until their expiration also from the undergraduate study programmes adopted after June 11 2004, where the competences of the finished studies are comparable and according to the acknowledgement criteria at least half of the obligations according to ECTS from the first study programme related to compulsory courses of the second study programme can be acknowledged. Considering the scope of acknowledged obligations from the first study programme in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad student may enrol to the same or higher year in the second study programme. Transferring students shall fulfil the conditions for the enrolment to the second study programme.
Applications of candidates for the transfer to the first cycle professional study programme Technical Real Estate Management and the scope of acknowledged obligations in the study programme will be examined individually by the Study Board of the Department of Geodesy. If in the procedure of acknowledging obligations for the purpose of transfer the candidate is approved at least the amount of credit points and those point that are required for the enrolment to a higher year of the first cycle professional study programme Technical Real Estate Management, the candidate may enrol to the higher year of the first cycle professional study programme Technical Real Estate Management.
Methods of Assessment
Knowledge is examined and evaluated in individual courses. Accordingly, the teaching process in each course finishes with the examination of knowledge and acquired skills. The forms of knowledge testing (oral or written examinations, preliminary examinations, seminar works, work logs, practical assignments, projects, portfolios, peer evaluation) are defined in the study plans of individual courses. General rules of knowledge testing are regulated by the Rules on the first and second cycle studies at the UL FGG, adopted by the Senate of FGG. The details are defined by the Study Regulations.
The student receives a single grade of the exam, consisting of foreseen required obligations in each course. Each obligation shall be evaluated with a positive grade.
Knowledge from preliminary and partial examinations, seminars, seminar works, work logs, practical projects, home projects, homework and similar amounts to at least 30 % of the total grade.
According to the Statute of the University of Ljubljana the following grading scale is used:
10 – (91–100 %: excellent: exceptional results with negligible mistakes),
9 – (81–90 %: very good: above average knowledge with few mistakes),
8 – (71–80 %: very good: sound outcomes),
7 – (61–70 %: good: good knowledge, but with significant shortcomings)
6 – (51–60 %: sufficient: performance meets the minimum criteria),
5 – (50 % and less: unsatisfactory: performance does not meet minimum criteria).
The candidate's performance is considered successful for grades from satisfactory (6) to excellent (10).
Possibilities of elective courses and mobility
Elective courses are foreseen: one in 4th semester (5 ECTS), two in 5th semester (4 ECTS each) and one in 6th semester (5 ECTS). The study programme proposes 10 elective professional courses (Topographic Photogrammetry, Residential and Municipal Economics, Mass Real Estate Valuation in GIS, Environmental Protection and Environmental Ethics, Standards in Geodesy and Engineering, Applicable Remote Sensing, Geodesy in Engineering, Cadastral Land Development, Locational Services, Surveying of Increased Precision and Sports Education). Among other elective courses from FGG students are recommended to select courses from traffic infrastructure and hydrology. Among external elective courses from other faculties, member of UL, other universities and higher education institutions in Slovenia or abroad especially the contents from the areas of law or real estate legislation, economy or real estate management, administration, communicology, computer science, foreign language, etc., are recommended.
Student may transfer 30 ECTS points of the programme (one study semester, regardless of mandatory and elective units) from any other area of civil engineering, provided there exists an adequate agreement signed with UL FGG.

Study programme courses – Geodetic engineering and real estate management (BA)

All study programmes on Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering are internationally certified from 2015 to 2021.