Chair of Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Katedra za kartografijo, fotogrametrijo in daljinsko zaznavanje (KKFDZ)
Cartography focuses on the design, elaboration, distribution and study of charts and maps. This requires a combination of science, art and technology. Maps are one of the most basic means of communication – the oldest date back to ten thousand years BC. Today the main focuses of development are multidimensional and photorealistic representation, internet cartography and cartographic applications for mobile applications.
Photogrammetry is science dealing with acquisition of measuring and semantic data from photographs. Normally, measurements are made on two or more photographs of the same area, which allows 3D reconstruction of the shape of area or structures. With high level of automatization of procedures it is possible to provide cost-effective recording of spatial data at larger areas. Recognisable and frequently used product is ortophoto. An important subfield is close-range photogrammetry used for the 3D acquisition and presentation of small structures in various applications (industry, construction, architecture, archaeology, conservation, machinery, etc.).
Remote sensing is science of acquiring data about the Earth’s surface without direct contact with it. It is about sensing and recording the orbit or radiated electromagnetic radiation, which is then processed, analysed and used in various applications. The acquired spatial data are used for monitoring the conditions and for predicting changes in the space. Due to rapid development of technologies and increased care for the environment, this is one of the fastest growing areas of geodesy. The main trends are automatization of data processing, processing of LIDAR poit clouds and processing of hyperspectral images.
The Chair consists of Assist. Prof. Dr. Dušan Petrovič (Head), Assist. Prof. Dr. Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Deputy Head), Assist. Dr. Dejan Grigillo, Assist. Dr. Klemen Kozmus Trajkovski and Janez Goršič, and we also cooperate with Sen. Lect. Dr. Dalibor Radovan and Assist. Tilen Urbančič.
Head of the Chair:
Research and Professional Work
The main research areas and areas of professional works are: close-range photogrammetry, acquisition and maintenance of topographic data from different sources, quality control of products, application of small drones for the acquisition of spatial data, design of three-dimensional sign images and multidimensional images, connecting the map use with navigational technology.
We cooperate in expert international organizations: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Cartographic Association, EuroSDR, in national organizations (Association of Surveyors of Slovenia, Section for Cartography and Section for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), and in European and national research projects.
We cooperate with numerous successful business companies (Modri planet, C-Astral, Geavis, DFG Consulting, etc.), with the Geodetic Administration of RS and Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, Alpine Association of Slovenia, Association of Scouts of Slovenia, Orientation Association of Slovenia, and others.
As reviewers we cooperate in scientific journals from the areas of geodesy and geoinformation (Geodetski vestnik, Geodetski glasnik, Geodetski list, Kartografija i geoinformacije, etc.).
Educational activity
We provide teaching for all study programs at the Department of Geodetic Engineering within the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana (first cycle higher education study program Technical Real Estate Valuation and first cycle academic study program Geodesy and Geoinformation, and second cycle studies Geodesy and Geoinformation and Spatial Planning), as well as in the study program Water Science and Environmental Engineering. We also participate in study programmes at other faculties of the University of Ljubljana, such as Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture, Political – Military Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences, and in the programs Landscape Architecture and Forestry and Renewable Sources at the Biotechnical Faculty. In our teachings we combine lectures, seminars and laboratory tutorials, where students learn about essential procedures and methods as well as make their own products. Occasionally we include invited lecturers from the industry, present practical cases from our home environment, organise visits and expert field trips. We cooperate in the organisation and implementation of field work for students, and include project work to specific courses, mainly in the second cycle studies. For all study cycles and study programs where we cooperate we offer students various themes for their final theses. In the final theses we encourage cooperation with companies and institutions in Slovenia as well as faculties from abroad, mainly through Erasmus programs and bilateral agreements.
Strokovno delo
Mlada skupina asistentov in raziskovalcev stažistov je s strokovnim in raziskovalnim delom ter v sodelovanju z Inštitutom za geodezijo in fotogrametrijo FGG ter Geodetskim zavodom Slovenije v tedanjo slovensko geodezijo pripeljala povsem nova področja (digitalizacija načrtov na osnovi rastrskih slik, uvedba digitalne fotogrametrije in izdelava digitalnega ortofota, promocija in operacionalizacija GIS), ki so bila v tistem času šele v razvoju tudi v drugih bolj razvitih okoljih.
Skupina se je zavzemala tudi za povezovanje akademskega dela z gospodarstvom. Na področju fotogrametrije so bili vzpostavljeni stiki s Tehnično univerzo (TUW) na Dunaju (prof. Karl Kraus in prof. Peter Waldhausel), ki so se poglobili s sodelovanjem na projektu Pentagonala. Na tem projektu, ki ga je vodil Inštitut za fotogrametrijo in daljinsko zaznavanje TU Dunaj, sodelavci katedre pridobivajo najnovejša fotogrametrična znanja, programsko opremo s področja aerotriangulacije (PP Orient) in digitalnega modela reliefa (PP SCOP) ter tako vzpostavljajo zelo dobro znanstveno in strokovno sodelovanje. To v nadaljevanju omogoča sodelovanje študentov naše fakultete na dodiplomskem in podiplomskem študiju na TU Dunaj.
Člani katedre niso črpali znanja le iz tujine, ampak so razvijali tudi lastne rešitve. Na področju digitalizacije načrtov na osnovi rastrskih slik so razvili uporabne metode pretvorbe klasičnih grafičnih (CAD) rešitev na področju zemljiškega katastra v celovite GIS-rešitve, pri čemer so uporabili za tisti čas najsodobnejše tehnike in metode zajema podatkov (med drugim tudi v plodnem sodelovanju s podjetjem Moritz iz Beljaka).
V tem obdobju je nastala tudi prva tematska številka Geodetskega vestnika na temo Digitalna fotogrametrija, v kateri so poleg članov katedre s svojimi prispevki sodelovali tudi prof. Branko Makarovič iz ITC Enschede, dr. Zoran Stančič in Mojca Kosmatin Fras.
zaposleni | telefon | ||
asist. dr. | Urška Drešček, univ. dipl. inž. geod. | +386 1 4768 564 | |
asist. | Veronika Grabrovec Horvat, mag. inž. geod. in geoinf. | | |
doc. dr. | Dejan Grigillo, univ. dipl. inž. geod. | +386 1 4768 654 | |
doc. dr. | Mojca Kosmatin Fras, univ. dipl. inž. geod. | +386 1 4768 552 | |
doc. dr. | Klemen Kozmus Trajkovski, univ. dipl. inž. geod. | +386 1 4768 648 | |
doc. dr. | Dušan Petrovič, univ. dipl. inž. el. | +386 1 4768 543 | |