Traffic Technical Institute
Prometno tehniški inštitut (PTI)
Economic development and increasing demand for mobility affect the growth of motorized road traffic and the related problems, known as »congestion-costs-safety-carbon footprint«. Members of the Traffic Technical Institute are aware of the importance of mobility and traffic impacts on environment. For this reason we wish to improve the level of traffic surfaces with adequate traffic planning, design for the construction and maintenance of traffic infrastructure and implementation of intelligent transport systems, with the main aim to contribute to better traffic safety. We aspire towards the realisation of sustainable mobility, wherever it is feasible.
In addition to educational work, which is mainly focused on the education of capable, competent and reliable graduates, all Institute members are also engaged in professional work in all areas of traffic engineering.
Head of the Chair:
Educational activity
The Institute’s members teach several courses: at the first cycle higher education study we teach Geotechnics of Roads, Traffic, Intelligent Transport Systems, Design and Construction of Roads; at the first cycle academic studies we teach Roads, Railways, Traffic Engineering, Geographic Information Systems: and at the second cycle studies we teach Optimization Methods in Civil Engineering, Road Construction Mechanisation and Technology, Intelligent Transport Systems, Urban Traffic Surfaces, Traffic Flow Theory and Capacity Analysis, Traffic Ecology, Construction Planning and Maintenance of Roads, Road Design, Roads Seminar, Railway Design, Railway Seminar.
The aim of the courses from traffic engineering is to make students understand the characteristics of road and railway traffic, to provide knowledge on the procedures of design, construction and maintenance of traffic infrastructure and knowledge on the prediction and modelling of traffic. Students learn about modern IT technologies in road and railway systems. Within tutorials the knowledge, provided in lectures, is linked to practical cases and problems from daily practice, and visits to practical cases in the field are organised. Assisted by mentors, students critically assess and evaluate existing situations and practical cases in traffic. This creates a space where students learn to detect how the system operates in daily practice and are able to evaluate it through own experiences.
With the acquired knowledge students are qualified to perform direct tasks in institutions active in road and railway traffic research, at the ministry for traffic, in road and railway engineering companies, design organisations, construction companies for highway and railway engineering, as well as in road and railway infrastructure administration. When they finish their studies, they are qualified to perform and solve current technical, technological, organizational and other issues in processes related to traffic services and traffic infrastructure.
Research and professional activity
Members of the Traffic Technical Institute are engaged in professional and research work in all areas of traffic engineering. With our research work we aim at raising quality in all phases of the traffic infrastructure life cycle: from the planning and design, to construction, operation and maintenance. Our basic research dealing with macroscopic and microscopic transport models aims at improving predictions of traffic growth, which is the foundation for planning traffic infrastructure. By studying drivers’ perceptions of road alignment in the environment we try to contribute to the design of predictable, safer and »forgiving« roads. With the development of intelligent transport systems we wish to improve safety and capacity of road infrastructure. In cooperation with our external partners we have developed numerous IT solutions intended to efficient project management. They are regularly updated, constantly developed and offered as holistic support to final users. Important area of our work is also preparation of professional bases for various acts, rules and regulations.
For Slovenian customers we provide traffic studies and projects related to traffic safety. At the same time, we are actively involved in international research projects and publish results of our studies in internationally recognised journals.
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