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Chair of Geodesy

Katedra za geodezijo (KG)

Chair of Geodesy is a leading Faculty’s educational and research unit engaged in precise terrestrial surveying and contemporary surveying systems. It is headed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dušan Kogoj and consists of six teaching associates, three of them with teaching titles: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomaž Ambrožič, Assist. Prof. Dr. Simona Savšek and Assist. Prof. Dr. Aleš Marjetič; and two assistants: Assist. Klemen Kregar and Assist. Gašper Štebe, both enrolled to our doctoral study program.

 The technological development of surveying equipment makes possible precise and automatic recording of measuring data for comprehensive geolocationing and spatial management. By developing and using modern technological solutions and including them in the educational process, we educate independent, competent and employable graduates. In the field of dam engineering we offer managers of dam structures comprehensive monitoring to assist them in monitoring stability and updating technical surveying records. In this way we establish high professional standards in precise terrestrial surveying. We offer our customers modern and innovative solutions that are becoming »rules of good practice« in our profession.

Research and professional activity

The research activity of the Chair of Geodesy involves testing and calibration of modern measuring equipment and automation of the surveying results.

Part of our research work is also monitoring and detecting tectonic movements at different parts of Slovenia. For the assessment of results we use established methods and procedures from mathematic geodesy. The Chair is equipped with modern measuring equipment that allows testing and use of new technologies in practice. With our knowledge and references we also participated in the introduction of the new coordinate system, we prepared the instructions for detailed surveying and recommendations for the implementation of geotechnical monitoring. Using geodetic methods we defined original solutions for determining the adequacy of large crane rails and verticality of built structures. We are intensively engaged the study of the possibilities to use terrestrial laser scanning in geodetic survey for the purpose of energy efficient renovation and monitoring of displacements in demanding engineering structures.

In the last few years we have considerably strengthened our professional activity, which is the result of positive reviews of external reviewers of our professional works, as well as investments into knowledge, keeping pace with the technological development and purchase of modern measuring equipment. Our professional work is mainly focused on the stability control of natural and built structures. We monitor stability of critical infrastructure, such as hydro-power plants, Krško Nuclear Power Plant and Brestanica Thermal Power Plant, and test surveying for geomechanical analyses, such as the Šentvid tunnel, walls of the construction pit at Bavarski Dvor in Ljubljana, pilot walls near Polhov Gradec Elementary School.

Educational activity

Within the educational activity our mission is to educate students at the full-time undergraduate studies of geodesy, civil engineering, and water science and environmental engineering, as well as at both cycles of the Bologna study programs Geodesy and Geoinformation, and Technical Real Estate Management. Part of our educational activity is also the doctoral study program Built Environment. Our educational areas are basic geodetic and precise surveying, management of the economic public infrastructure cadastre, precise terrestrial surveying, geodetic measuring systems, optimisation of geodetic grids, standards in geodetic measuring practice and field project work.

 We are aware that education is a complex process and that the study of geodesy is selected by inquisitive, creative and IT-literate users of modern technologies. During their studies our students become not only competent experts of geodesy, but also develop their intellectual capacities and objective relationship to the environment and society. Thus, they learn to consider the safety, functional, economic, environmental and ecological aspects of their professional work, keeping at the same time honest, independent and unbiased attitude towards customers.

We transfer to our students knowledge on the methods of spatial data point recording, to teach them to manage and regulate space. In this way students of geodesy learn about the latest measuring procedures, equipment and technology for the acquisition, processing and analysis of spatial data. They learn to value quality of the recorded data and locate them into space. They acquire knowledge necessary to draw up geodetic plan, perform cadastral procedures for the arrangement and equipment of land with economic infrastructure and to arrange engineering procedures for setting out building structures and monitoring their stability.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dušan Kogoj published a textbook titled Measuring Lengths using Electrooptic Distance Meters, which is an indispensable study tool for our students. Within the process of restructuring our studies according to the Bologna guidelines, members of our Chair worked together to create a contemporary and updated study program of geodesy for the future generations. Students participate in field projects and applied expert tasks, where they encounter customers’ demands. With our positive educational approach we are able to motivate our students to creative thinking. Thus, we successfully take over the role of class mentors, tutors and supervisors for final works. In the last decades we have been supervisors or co-supervisors of numerous graduates at the full-time or part-time studies of geodesy. We are also actively involved in the education of young researchers, master and doctorate students.

Strokovno delo

V zadnjih letih smo na Katedri za geodezijo precej okrepili strokovno dejavnost, kar je rezultat pozitivnih recenzij zunanjih ocenjevalcev naših opravljenih strokovnih nalog ter vlaganja v znanje, spremljanja tehnološkega razvoja in nakupa sodobne merske opreme. Vse to zagotavlja kakovostno izvedbo meritev in pridobitev zanesljivih rezultatov.

Področje strokovnega dela je usmerjeno pretežno v merjenje horizontalnih in vertikalnih premikov jezovnih zgradb (Krško, Formin in Markovci, Moste, Vrhovo idr.) ter odlagališča jalovine Boršt rudnika Žirovski vrh. Izvajali smo geodetska dela pri gradnji jeklarne 2 na Jesenicah, sanaciji železniškega predora Počehova, hladilnega stolpa TE Šoštanj in izmeri vpliva izgradnje predora na hribino pred čelom predora Šentvid ter železniškega mostu v Mariboru.

zaposleni telefon email
izr. prof. dr. Tomaž Ambrožič, univ. dipl. inž. geod. +386 1 4768 637
mag. Janez Goršič, univ. dipl. inž. geod. +386 1 4768 643
izr. prof. dr. Dušan Kogoj, univ. dipl. inž. geod. +386 1 4768 634
doc. dr. Klemen Kregar, univ. dipl. inž. geod. +386 1 4768 658
doc. dr. Aleš Marjetič, univ. dipl. inž. geod. +386 1 4768 636
doc. dr. Simona Savšek, univ. dipl. inž. geod. +386 1 4768 651
asist. dr. Gašper Štebe, univ. dipl. inž. geod. +386 1 4768 658
doc. dr. Tilen Urbančič, univ. dipl. inž. geod. +386 1 4768 640
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