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Chair of Buildings and Constructional Complexes

Katedra za stavbe in konstrukcijske elemente (KSKE)

The beginnings of the Chair of Buildings and Constructional Complexes go back to 1921, when the then Institute for Construction Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering was in charge of the course Buildings. In 1931 the Institute was reorganised into several institutes, among them the Institute for Buildings. At the end of WW II the Department of Civil Engineering established three study orientations, among them also Structural Division, within which the contents from the area of buildings were provided. When the Department of Civil Engineering moved to a new location at Jamova cesta 2, the Chair of Buildings was established. The present name Chair of Buildings and Constructional Elements was given to this unit in 1980; it was part of the Structural Division at the Department of Civil Engineering within the then Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Geodetic Engineering. With the establishment of the new Chair, the teaching contents were updated to respond to the issues of energy crisis in the 1970ies. The crisis generated new demands for the design of building envelope constructional complexes as an important part of the living and working environment. This period is characterised by a turn in the classical architecture, resulting from new construction materials and new designs of constructional complexes, and as a response to challenges of rational energy use and use of renewable energy sources in buildings.

Our teaching activity is focused on the new master study program BUILDINGS, updated courses at the study programs of Civil Engineering, as well as two courses at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Important for our Chair are also professional and research activities, with the main focus on energy savings, environmental protection, dynamic analysis of thermal responses in constructional complexes and buildings as a whole, challenges from the areas of daylighting and solar radiation of buildings, care for healthy living and working environment. We perform permanent measurements of weather data and regulate accordingly the illumination, prevent direct solar overheating of inner working environment, control CO2 concentrations in the air, and regulate solar protection devices (venetian blinds). For the moment we are performing measurements of thermal air collector for outside customer. The aim of these measurements is, to establish, apart from its efficiency, also the most appropriate material for the absorber.

Educational activity

We teach at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering as well as the Faculty of Health Sciences:We teach at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering as well as the Faculty of Health Sciences:

  • First cycle study program Civil Engineering (Buildings I and II, Introduction to Building Design, Bioclimatic Design, Building Renovation)
  • First cycle study program Construction Management (Buildings)
  • First cycle study program Sanitary Engineering (Constructional Complexes of Buildings, Bioclimatic Design)
  • Second cycle study program Buildings (Daylight, Living Environment, Advanced Materials, Efficient Energy Use, Smart House)
  • Third cycle study program Built Environment (Daylight, Bioclimatic Design, Design of Healthy Buildings, and Advanced Constructional Complexes)

Due to the nature of the scientific area covered by the Chair members, our teaching is mainly focused on building envelopes, internal environment, use of materials and interaction between users and the building. In the past in the traditional studies of civil engineering and architecture these areas were neglected. For this reason, the Bologna reform of higher education studies was an opportunity to accredit a new second cycle study program Buildings, with the aim to qualify experts with balanced knowledge about the main pillars that allow the design and implementation of the bioclimatic concept: conceptual design of space, conceptual design of load-carrying structure, design of protective structures (thermal and sound insulation, protection against water and humidity, psychophysical protection, etc.), energy efficiency, independent design, cooperation in the design and implementation of demanding buildings. Graduates of this study are equipped with in-depth theoretical and expert knowledge. They are able to find job and work independently at demanding expert and development tasks from the areas of constructional building physics and bioclimatic design.

Research and professional activity

The Chair’s research activity is primarily oriented towards the development and application of building design methodologies, their elements and constructional complexes considering bioclimatic conditions, stationary and dynamic analysis of thermal flows in buildings, analysis of solar radiation and illumination, design and application of control systems for the regulation and optimisation of internal environment in buildings, exergy analyses of thermal comfort for building users, development of simulation software for the analysis of thermal and lighting properties in buildings as well as study of interactions among users and the building with the emphasis on healthy and stimulating environment. With our research activity we deal with real environment experiments, with the purpose to check the simulation assumptions and develop applications of advanced systems for the regulation of inner environment. In the last few years our experimental activity has mainly been focused on the development and monitoring of holistic supervision systems for the regulation of thermal, lighting and olfactory characteristics of inner environment.

In the area of exergy analyses, the Chair members cooperate with the Technical University of Denmark, University in Tokyo, and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Our main activity is design of innovative LowEx systems for applications in built environment. The Chair is also strongly involved in the international and national networks of educational and research projects (TEMPUS, SARA, MARIE, TIGR, AWARD, JOULE II, etc.), and our members are also active in the International Solar Energy Society (ISES).

zaposleni telefon email
asist. dr. David Božiček, mag. inž. stavb. +386 1 4768 605
izr. prof. dr. Mateja Dovjak, dipl. san. inž. (UN). +386 1 4768 550
izr. prof. dr. Mitja Košir, univ. dipl. inž. arh. +386 1 4768 595
Bruno Kovač, Drugo.
doc. dr. Luka Pajek, mag. inž. stavb. +386 1 4768 604
doc. dr. Jaka Potočnik, mag. inž. arh. +386 1 4768 609
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