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Courses in Slovenian only – 2017/2018

The following courses are available only in Slovenian. Exchange students cannot participate in any organised forms of study. However, study in English is possible in the form of individual consultations with the teachers. The courses are available in both semesters.

Courses on 1st cycle Study Programme

1st Cycle Study Programme Course name (Slovenian) Course name (English) ECTS
Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Geoinformation, Water Science and Environmental Engineering; 1st cycle Matematika II Mathematics II 8
Civil Engineering; 1st cycle Stavbarstvo I Buildings I 6
Civil Engineering; 1st cycle Hidromehanika Hydromechanics 5
Civil Engineering; 1st cycle Urejanje prostora English for Civil and Geodetic Engineering 4
Civil Engineering; 1st cycle Mehanika tal in inženirska gologija Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology 7
Civil Engineering; 1st cycle Jeklene konstrukcije Steel Structures 6
Civil Engineering; 1st cycle Prometno inženirstvo Traffic Engineering 4
Construction Management; Geodesy and Geoinformation, Water Science and Environmental Engineering; 1st cycle Fizika Physics 6
Construction Management; 1st cycle Inženirska matematika I Engineering Mathematics I 6
Construction Management; 1st cycle Komunalno gospodarstvo in gradbena zakonodaja Municipal Economics and Construction Legislation 4
Construction Management; 1st cycle Stavbarstvo  Buildings   8
Construction Management; 1st cycle Uvod v gradbeništvo Introduction to Civil Engineering 3
Construction Management; 1st cycle Hidromehanika in hidravlika Hydromechanics and Hydraulics 6
Construction Management; 1st cycle Inženirska matematika II Engineering Mathematics II 5
Construction Management; 1st cycle Geotehnične gradnje Geotechnical Constructions 8
Construction Management; 1st cycle Jeklene stavbe Steel Buildings 4
Construction Management; 1st cycle Urejanje stavbnih zemljišč in cenilstvo Building Land Development and Valuation 4
Geodesy and Geoinformation, Water Science and Environmental Engineering; 1st cycle Matematika I  Mathematics I  10
Geodesy and Geoinformation, 1st cycle Geoinformatika I Geoinformation I 6
Geodesy and Geoinformation, 1st cycle Ekonomika in management v geodeziji Economics and Management in Geodesy 6
Water Science and Environmental Engineering; 1st Cycle Hidromehanika Hydromechanics 5
Water Science and Environmental Engineering; 1st Cycle Matematika III Matematics III 7
Technical Real Estate Management; 1st cycle Obdelava podatkov Data Processing 6
Technical Real Estate Management; 1st cycle Ekonomika in organizacija geodetskih del Economics and Organization of Surveying 7
Technical Real Estate Management; 1st cycle Geografski informacijski sistemi Geographic Information Systems 6
Technical Real Estate Management; 1st cycle Metode prostorskih analiz v GIS Methods of Spatial Analyses in GIS 5
Technical Real Estate Management; 1st cycle Zemljiški management Land management 5

Courses on 2nd cycle Study Programme

2nd Cycle Study Programme Course name (Slovenian) Course name (English) ECTS
Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Geoinformation; 2nd cycle Matematika 3 Mathematics 3 5
Civil Engineering; 2nd cycle Gradena fizika Building Physics  3
Civil Engineering; 2nd cycle Nelinearna analiza konstrukcij Non-linear Analysis of Structures  5
Civil Engineering; 2nd cycle Gospodarjenje z nepremičninami Real Estate Management   5
Civil Engineering; 2nd cycle Vrednotenje nepremičnin Real Estate Valuation 4
Civil Engineering, Water Science and Environmental Engineering,
2nd cycle
Geotehnika okolja Environmental Geotechnics  5
Buildings; 2nd cycle Diferencialne enačbe in geometrija Differential Equations and Geometry 6
Geodesy and Geoinformation; 2nd cycle Geoinformatika
Geoinformation II 4
Geodesy and Geoinformation; 2nd cycle Geoinformatika
Geoinformation III 4
Geodesy and Geoinformation; 2nd cycle Management in organizacijska teorija Management and Organisational Theory 4
Spatial Planning; 2nd cycle Prostorske analize Spatial Analyses 4
Spatial Planning; 2nd cycle Katastrsko preurejanje zemljišč Cadastral Land Rearrangement 4
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