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Polis University - International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies



Bosna in Hercegovina



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CentralEuropeanExchangeProgram forUniversityStudies

Srednjeevropski program za izmenjavo študentov in profesorjev

Program je pričel delovati marca 1995. Cilj programa je vzpostaviti in spodbujati mobilnost študentov in profesorjev med sodelujočimi državami ter izkoristiti prijateljske povezave in možnosti za oblikovanje skupnih študijskih programov. Poudarek je na skupnih doktorskih programih ter na spodbujanju sodelovanja v okviru EUSDR (EU Strategy for the Danube Region).

Glavna aktivnost programa CEEPUS so mreže univerz, ki izvajajo skupne programe, ki naj bi v idealnem primeru vodili v skupne diplome, predvsem skupni doktorski programi. CEEPUS krije štipendije za mobilnost študentov in učiteljev v tem okviru. Pravna podlaga CEEPUS programa je mednarodni sporazum, ki ga podpišejo države članice. Sporazum je odprte narave za pridružitev.

Številka mreže:


Ime mreže:


Koordinator na UL FGG:
doc. dr. Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek

Osnovni pogoji:

  • končana dva semestra študija,
  • omejitev starosti: do 35 let,
  • državljanstvo ene od držav CEEPUS,
  • podpora koordinatorja posamezne mreže na matični inštituciji,
  • dodiplomski študenti lahko prosijo za izmenjavo za en semester ali največ 10 mesecev,
  • v izjemnih primerih (npr. poletna šola) in z utemeljitvijo koordinatorja lahko zaprosijo tudi za krajša obdobja (vendar ne krajša od 21 dni).
  • status: univerzitetni profesor,
  • ni starostne omejitve,
  • minimalna obveznost: 6 ur pedagoškega dela.
Opis programa (samo v angleščini):
Long program description of The Urban Innovations Network

The Urban Innovations Network is tended as an instrument to strengthen the cooperation between concerned partners from different countries in the eponymous subject of Urban Innovations those cover a framework of three different spheres of urban space. Namely its physical structure, social structure and functional structure. The main goal of this network is to establish an interface between those spheres and strategical documents such as territorial agenda and Leipzig Charter to contribute to the territorial cohesion through the academical cooperation program CEEPUS. Therefore the main targets in collaboration will focus on topics such as:

  • Integrated urban development as a prerequisite for successful urban sustainability
  • Strategies for upgrading the physical environment in deprived urban areas
  • Strengthening the local economy and local labour market policy in deprived urban areas
  • Proactive education and training policies on children and young people in deprived urban areas
  • Sustainable urban transport
  • Territorial cohesion

Programme operational objectives:

  • To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility throughout the network area
  • To improve the quality and to increase the volume of co-operation between partners of the Urban Innovations Network
  • To facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of education
  • To improve the transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences
  • To form joint degrees
  • To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages

The cooperation between partners is based on the transfer and expansion of information on Urban innovations, brings to teachers and students a possibility of exchange of experiences and knowledge on issues, those contribute to increase their education with the aim to accelerate developing of new proceeds to improve our environment and assure its sustainability. The communication within the network will be provided mostly in English. As the key staffs of single partners have sufficient knowledge of this language. The transfer of information will be facilitated and possible thanks to the planned mobilities of students and specialists and therefore will be considered as the center of the network activities.

The continual stream of information will be the first step in the strengthen of the relationships between universities’ units within a network with a view to develop joint degrees. Experiences concerning joint degree have already been launched and are available at STU with the focus on European Spatial Planning. In addition to this target there are also another types of planned academical cooperation especially joint curriculum, IP (intensive programs), and joint leadership of thesis.

Issues to mention:

Within the academic year 2012/2013 we have encountered difficulties related to the CEEPUS system in Albania. Our partner there, POLIS University, as a private entity could not access state finantial support for incoming mobilities. Fortunately, after active involvement of CEEPUS Genral Secretary, Ms. Sorantin, this problem has been partially resolved and POLIS decided to pay out scholarship for next academic years, thought,from its own funds.

The Urban Innovations Network is composed of these partners:


POLIS University, International School of Architecture and Urban Development Policies

– a private participating partner of the network

The university ( was established as an answer to the failing existing higher education provided by State educational institutes in Albania and Balkans. Indeed the legitimacy of U_POLIS starts by early 90-s with the establishment and values of Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development (, a successful non-for-profit structure that has been in the forefront of the research and practice in the field of urban planning and development in Albania and Kosovo. It received support from various local communities, authorities and international donors while developing several pioneering urban projects in Albania and Kosovo. Among others, Co-PLAN received international recognitions and awards, including World Bank and UNDP Best Practices. In 2003 Co-PLAN and Municipality of Tirana organized the European Conference of Housing and Urban Development “Making Cities Work” (beyond 300 participants), on behalf of ENHR, European Network of Housing Research, not mentioning numerous national and regional workshops, seminars and sensibilization campaigns. In 2005 Co-PLAN submitted to the Albanian Parliament a Platform with recommendations for reforming the National Planning System, including formalization of informal settlements, The Platform is considerably adapted by the Albanian authorities, including several legislative actions. Actually, Co-PLAN has joined U-POLIS research arm.

U_POLIS is governed by the Senate, Rector, Chancellor and Administration, as well as independent bodies like the Council of Professors, Students Association, and Board of Quality & Ethics. The University grows 80-100 students/annum with a maximal population of 4-5 hundred students and 150 internal-external academic and research staff. Students come mainly from Albania, but also from neighboring countries: Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro. The academic staff is local and international. Both Albanian and English are official languages. U_POLIS academic program includes Bachelor and Master Degree courses according to international quality standards and European “Bologna Quality System”. Fields of specialization are Planning, Environment & Management, and Design & Architecture. The University received the evaluation and licensing as well as accreditation from the Albanian Authorities. The University has three main units: 2 Schools and 1 Research Institute (School of Planning & Management; School of Architecture & Design; and IKSH_POLIS, Institute for Scientific Research). The last one includes: i) Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development; ii) Metro-POLIS Design Studio; iii) Publication & Communication Unit; and iv) Scientific Committee & PhD Program.

U_POLIS is member of AESOP, Association of European Schools of Planning; AEEA, Association of European Education on Architecture, and CEEMAN, Central and East-European Management Development Association. The University is recognized by UNESCO and included in its database. Co-PLAN is also member of ENHR, European Network of Housing Research, and OSFA Network, Open Society Network of “Soros” Foundation. U-POLIS has bilateral cooperation agreement established with several universities such as University of Darmstadt Germany, University of Trieste Italy; IHS/Erasmus University Rotterdam and TU Delft Holland; with NTUA Athens Greece; Universities of Bari, Ancon and Pisa Italy; Bilgi Istanbul Turkey; TAMU Texas USA; and AUK American University of Kosovo, etc.


Department of Spatial Planning, TU WIEN

  • participating partner of the network


Department Geography and Geology, University Salzburg

– new participating partner of the network


Department of Spatial Planning, TU WIEN

The Department of Spatial Planning was founded in October 2004, representing a new organisational unit formed out of former institutes of the Faculty for Architecture and Planning within the University of Technology Vienna (UT Vienna).

The Department of Spatial Planning includes the following competence sections:


Regional Science

Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy

Local Planning

Transportation System Planning

Sociology for Spatial Planning and Architecture

Regional Planning and Regional Development

One of the characteristics of the Department’s organisational structure is the vertical structure formed by the above mentioned competence sections, which are horizontally linked by the following fields of activity:


Development of rural and alpine regions

European spatial development

Spatial development simulations and role models

The cooperation and distribution of tasks between the competence sections in the fields of research and teaching and the staff’s multidisciplinary achieve the cross section orientation of planning optimal.

The department employs 43 scientific associates who are supported by project collaborators, administrative personnel and visiting lecturers.

Competence Section Regional Planning and Regional Development

The Competence Section Regional Planning and Regional Development has a long-time experience in national and international local and regional development planning. Within the scope of dissertations, habilitations (postdoctoral qualifications), research work and privately subsidised projects, the Competence Section deals with a number of topics like Regional Development Planning, Cross Border Regional Planning, Recovery of Industrial and Waste Land, Urbanisation Phenomena of Southern Countries, Rural Settlement, Urban Morphology and Communal Development Planning. The thematic “Regional Development” is tackled in the scope of projects, courses and Diploma theses. In this respect, interdisciplinary co-operations with experts, universities, authorities and NGOs are seen as an important constituent of the Institute’s activities.


Department Geography and Geology, University Salzburg

The Paris Lodron University is the largest educational institution in the city and province of Salzburg, Austria. The Department of Geography and Geology has the focus of research and education on human geography, urban and landscape ecology, urban environmental management, sustainable development strategies (developing countries studies) and geographical information systems, regional and cluster management. The research group Urban and Landscape Ecology is experienced in national and international studies and research project concerning following relevant tasks: Urban structural and spatial environmental management, land use as a control variable for environmental conditions in the urban ecosystem, treatment of urban and surrounding areas as city regions and urban landscape (conceptual models of urban landscape structure), habitat requirements of urban residents and tangibility of environmental improvements, management of biodiversity / landscape diversity (conservation applications).


Department of Urban Planning, University of Architecture, Building and Geodesy

– participating partner of the network

The University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), Sofia, is the oldest and one among the most prestigious higher technical schools in Bulgaria, founded in 1942 as a Higher Technical School and (1945) later transformed into a State Polytechnic. In 1953 the Polytechnic was divided into several institutes one of them being the Institute of Civil Engineering. Since 1977 the institute is renamed Higher Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering (VIAS). In 1990 by a decision of its General Assembly the Institute was renamed University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), official accreditation by Parliament on 21/07/ 1995.

The Department of Urban Planning is nowadays one of the 8 departments at the Faculty of Architecture. It was founded in 1945, only 3 years after the Higher Technical School was opened in Sofia. A number of outstanding urban planners and academics (educated in Germany, France, Austria and Russia) contributed to the development of the Bulgarian planning school. For the 65 years of its existence the Department has gained abundant experience in education, research, practice and consultancy in the fields of urban, regional and landscape planning. It is nowadays involved in the training of undergraduate and graduate students from the Master’s Programme in Architecture, students from the BSc and MSc Programmes in Urbanism, undergraduate students in Geodesy. Research activities cover issues of spatial planning and development. Effective collaboration with municipalities has been traditionally established with a large number of Bulgarian municipalities.

The training in Urban planning provided for students in Architecture covers the fields of Urban Planning, Park and Landscape Architecture, Regional Planning, Management in Urban Planning and Architecture, Sociology of Architecture, Ecology in the Regional Planning, Urban Planning and Architecture, Methods for Analysis of Urban and Architectural Environment, and the package of disciplines in the specialization pathway of Urban Planning, Regional and Landscape Planning. The Department also provides guidance for diploma projects.

The Department of Urban Planning has a leading role in the teaching process of the Bachelor’s (since 2002) and Master’s (since 2006) Programmes in Urbanism, Urbanism is a new major for the UACEG and for Bulgaria. The BSc in Urbanism Programme is a result of a successful Joint European Project, funded by PHARE-TEMPUS – TEMPUS S-JEP 12540/97, Development of a European BSc in Urbanism programme; Partners: UACG, (coordinator: Prof. V. Troeva); University College Dublin; School of Arts; Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh. The programme has been reviewed by leading Bulgarian and foreign experts and accredited by the National Agency for Accreditation and Evaluation. Since 2006 Urbanism has been included in the National Classification of professions and jobs in Bulgaria. The programme introduces modular structure, European Credit Transfer System and Quality Control System. It follows the guidelines of the RTPI, AESOP and ECTP that planning education should induce knowledge of:

• Planning nature, aims, theory and methodology;

• History of Planning as Institution and job;

• Cultural differences in Planning within European and Global context;

• Development of natural and cultural values and resources, the impacts of human intervention in the environment and the principles of Sustainable development;

• The institutional, political and legislative framework of Planning practice;

• Mechanisms for implementation of Planning Policies;

• The relation of Planning with the other sectors of Economics.

The course of training should develop skills and values in the following areas:

• Decision making methods in multidisciplinary teams;

• Awareness of the concepts, instruments and activities for management of knowledge and their practical application;

• Techniques for collecting, processing and analysis of data, including the use of IT;


• Environmental assessment and management;

• Analysis of social demands;

• Methods for generating ideas for strategic planning;

• Integration of principles of aesthetics and Planning practice;

• Management of the policy of implementation of project proposals in different plans;

• Verbal, visual and written communications.

• Cultural prerequisites as an element of the environment;

• Ethical aspects of implementation of planning documents.

The main interest of recent research activity in the fields of urban, regional and landscape planning is focused upon dynamic processes in the societal context of planning and on important tendencies in the development of planning itself. The Department has been continuously and actively seeking for funding opportunities through the University and national research budget to develop research. Considerable experience has been gained in international research collaboration in the recent 15 years within the Fifth EU Framework Programme, COST programme, RIMED project, Research project on Integrated Approach to the Evaluation of Ecotourism Impact on the Spatial Sustainability of Villages and Their Environment, Integrated Educational Approach to Sustainable Urban Development Issues, Atelier for Urban Anthropology: Local Building Styles, The Sustainable Development principles in architecture and construction.


Polytechnic of Šibenik

– participating partner of the network

The Polytechnic of Šibenik was first established in 2006 and we have been educating young student sin the fields of social and technical sciences of tourism, organization, transport and informatics.

The aim of the institution is to provide programs of high quality that will enable responsible young experts to become the carriers of future development oft he local, national and international community. We have a very strong support from our City Council and National parks of Krka and Kornati. With the current changes in the world and new prospects in the European labor market, we hope to integrate our Faculty with other institutions in higher education, in Croatia but in Europe as well. The Polytechnic has been involved into two European projects:

– Adoption of CROQF principles in Tourism sector of higher education in Croatia
– Technology transfer infrastructure in the Croatian Adriatic region – TTAdria

The Polytechnic of Šibenik offer undergraduate professional study programmes:
1. Tourism management
2. IT management
3. Administrative studies
4. Traffic and transportation studies:
a) Postal traffic engineering
b) Road traffic engineering
Professional study programmes consist of 6 semesters (180 ECTS) and after successfully finishing them, our students acquire a degree of professional graduates or baccalaureus of economy, traffic or administration.
The Polytechnic aslo offers a specialist graduate professional study programme that lasts two years (4 semesters): Graduate professional study of management (120 ECTS)

Czech republic:

Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague

– participating partner of the network

The Faculty of Architecture provides all levels of higher education for architects, urban designers and planners. With total amount of students of the Architecture and Urbanism programme about 1200, it is the dominant facility in this branch in the Czech Republic. The Faculty has a long tradition of international exchange with many schools in Europe as well as overseas. It is the full member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). Institute of Spatial Planning and Institute of Urban Design focus on the urban and spatial issues.

The Institute of Spatial Planning will be the Network contact unit. The Institute provides bachelor, master and doctoral courses in urban basics, spatial and territorial planning, urban economy, geographical information systems and research methodology. It has a history of projects as follows:

2007–2011 Territorial planning conception and territorial disparities – research for the Ministry for Regional Development

2008-2009 Planning study Šumava (Bohemian Forest). Commissioned by Regional Office of Southern Bohemia

2008 Management plan for the Prague Monument Reservation – for the City Development Office of Prague

2005-2007 REPUS (Regional Economic Polycentric Urban System) – EC 6th Framework Programme – INTERREG IIIB – CADSES – Czech Team leader

2005-2006 Uplatnení principu udržitelného rozvoje v územním plánování (Application of sustainability principles in urban planning) – research for the Ministry for Regional Development

2005 ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) 4.1 Data Navigator –INTERREG ERDF

2004 SELMA – Spatial De-concentration of Economic Land Use and Quality of Life in European Metropolitan Areas – WP 6 Governance, Policy and Economic Land Use De-concentration, together with L. Sýkora et al

2004 – 2005 INTELCITIES – Intelligent Management of Cities – WP 4 Land-use information management

2003 – 2005 CEGIS – Central European GIS – within SPECTRA – PERSEUS project of Central European Training Centre of Spatial Planning

Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Ústí nad Labem

– participating partner of the network

The main focus of the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies in the field of urban planning is on the provision of public services. The basic approach is to implement the principles of new public management in different areas of public services delivered in urban regions. Technological, social and organizational innovations are key element in effective management of public services.


Chair of Urbanism and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineerig and Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Prishtina

– participating partner of the network


UBT – Business and Technology College

– new participating partner of the network


Faculty of Civil Engineerig and Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Prishtina

Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Prishtina has been established in 1978 as a Department of Faculty of Technology, Univesity of Prishtina. In 1988, through the reforms, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture merged as Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. The department of Architecture is organized around five units – chairs

Building construction

Spatial Visualization

History and Development of Architecture

Architectural Design

Urbanism and Spatial Planning

The teaching process lead to Bachelor degree in Architecture after four years and Masters degree with specialization in architectural design, urbanism and restoration after fifth year. There is 21 full faculty staff members and 12 part time lecturers involved in the teaching process.

The program of Architecture is in line with Bologna process and is accredited from the Kosovo National Accreditation Agency.

Urbanism and Spatial Planning Chair organize the learning process of Urbanism Urban and Spatial Planning. There are four people involved in process taught from fourth semester through ninths semester following the Kosovo Planning system divided in three levels – local, municipal and central.

The competence of the unit-chair is to qualify planners to deal with complex issues of spatial and urban development from the local to central level.


UBT – Business and Technology College

UBT – University for Business and Technology was established in 2003 with licenses granted by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Kosovo. The license numbers are 808/02-1 and 817/02-1.
UBT is accredited as Institutions of higher education from Kosovo Agency of Accreditation, which is full member of ENQA. We are part of Different Erasmus and other international projects for mobility, teaching, research and development.
The official name in CEEPUS is now UBT – Business and Technology College.
UBT is based in Prishtina, Kosovo at its campus in Prishtina. It has also completed the first phase of a new innovative campus in the outskirts of Prishtina. UBT has also 4 regional centres around Kosovo to support the regional community.
UBT has 7000 students and 400 academic staff.
UBT as Organisation is recognised for Excellence (4*) according EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) in 2014.

UBT offers a range of programs at undergraduate and graduate level. The programs are operated within the following Departments: Management, Business and Economics; Political Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering; Information Systems; Law; Communication and Media, Civil Engineering and Infrastructure; Architecture and Spatial Planning; Energy Engineering.
The studies are offering in Albanian and English languages.

Within the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning UBT is offering a Master Program (M.Sc.) in Architecture and Spatial Planning starting from 2014.
Spatial Planning, City Planning and related courses are offering also in Bachelor Level in different other Departments like: Energy Engineering, Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Engineering.


Gdansk University of Technology
– participating partner of the network


Institute of Urban Design

Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology

– participating partner of the network


Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology:

GDANSK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY has a consolidate experience in trans-national partnerships in the domain of educational and research projects. Both the University and The Faculty of Architecture are experienced in organising many training activities, international workshops and conferences. Apart from the bachelor and master degree studies – a basic academic education leading to M.Sc. degree in Architecture and Urban Planning, the Faculty of Architecture offers postgraduate courses on revitalization, town planning and space management. The structured 4-years Ph.D. studies are offered for recruited young researchers. Main fields of education and research cover Architecture, Architecture of Public Spaces, Theory and History of Architecture, Sustainable Design and Landscape Architecture, Urban Studies (including: Urban Design, Urban Regeneration, City Development and Space Management, History of Urban Design). Due to already ongoing changes and those laying ahead the special consideration is now being paid to advanced urban research areas like, architecture and media technology, public spaces, waterfronts, development and shaping the harbour cities, mechanisms and instruments of management and urban growth. The faculty provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge, architectural and urban design is taught with respect to social, cultural and environmental context and implications. The Faculty of Architecture has realised a wide range of research projects supported both by Polish Committee of Scientific Research as well as international committees and organisations and has proved to be a reliable partner in many international programs and events, just to mention 2-year Intensive Programme Bridging the City – Water in Architecture, Urban Spaces and Planning with STU Bratislava as a partner. The Faculty is an organizer and co-organizer of many international conferences, was also taking part in two INTERREG projects, international SUPERBS projects focused on cities in Baltic region, and many others. The Faculty cooperates with dozens of academic schools in almost all European countries. The Faculty is also a recognized member of following international associations: International Society of City and Regional Planners (IsoCaRP), Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), European Association for Architectural Education (AEEA). At the local level, the co-operation with local governments, public institutions, and community groups is largely developed in the field of architecture urban planning and cultural strategies for urban redevelopment. The University has a very strong research cooperation with cultural institutions, being involved in several cultural planning projects. Educational programmes are closely related to contemporary processes of architectural and urban transformations and the main challenges are approached by students within the frames of study courses as well as international workshops and competitions.


Institute of Urban Design (Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology)

Institute of Urban Design has a long educational, research and professional experience, as it was established within the Faculty of Architecture in 1945, when Cracow University of Technology was founded. During this time, especially in the last 20 years, has been built a strong international network of people and institutions. Moreover, Institute as a part of the Faculty of Architecture earned accreditation of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2005.

At present Institute of Urban Design employs 42 scientific workers (2 full professors, 5 associated professors, 2 assistant professors with Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees, 25 assistants with Ph.D. degree, 6 assistants and 2 lecturers, and is composed of the following chairs:

Division of Urban Composition

Chair of Housing Environment

Chair of Urban Renewal and Development

Division of Public Spaces for Movement

Division of Rural Architecture and Planning

The role of the Institute’s staff is to develop educational activity as well as to conduct scientific research and professional innovative design activity. Through a series of international lectures and symposiums Institute provides a forum for debate over various contemporary issues related to urban strategies. An International Conference of Institute of Urban Design has been taking place every year since 2000, where number of issues has been raised. They were grouped into five basic topics as follows:

City within the City: Problems of composition.

Re-composition of City Areas Lacking Urban Qualities. City atmosphere of urbanized areas.

Searching for a New Order for the Degraded Areas of the City. City regaining degraded areas.

Legibility of Urban Structures. Autonomous Functional Complexes in City’s Space.

New “Ghettos” in the Spatial Structure of the City. Safety versus Spatial Structure.

Research conducted within the Institute of Urban Design covers wide range of urban aspects focusing on topics above, as well as following issues:

New functions of the public spaces in the context of a transformation process of a city structure.

New functions and forms of the public spaces towards trends of transformation of the urban areas into the “cities and regions of knowledge”

The role of the public spaces in a process of shaping post-industrial city and region structures.

Institute of Urban Design as a part of the Faculty of Architecture offers PhD program within the scope of its studies. Also it possessed the rights to confer academic degree of D.Sc. in the field of architecture and urban design.


THE UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST , Faculty of Geography, Department of Regional Geography and Environment

– participating partner of the network

The Department of Regional Geography and Environment was established in 1990, as a Department within the Faculty of Geography (University of Bucharest). The staff includes 20 permanent scholars and researchers, 15 contract researchers, visiting scholars and administrative personnel. The Department of Regional Geography and Environment includes in its structure two research centers: Center for Environmental Research and Impact Studies and Centre for Landscape–Territory–Information Systems, organizing scholars, researchers, posts-docs, PhD students and master students in their specific research activities.
The Department’s staff has teaching and research competence in the following fields:
Environmental Planning
Environmental Geography
Conservation Biology
Landscape Ecology
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Impact Assessment
Regional Geography
One of the distinguishing features of the Department of Regional Geography and Environment is the powerful connection between teaching activities and scientific research, using the master and PhD programs. Students following the Integrated Environmental Assessment master studies are involved along with the main staff in conducting applicative research and publishing. The main fields of research that our Department members are currently focused on are:
Designing methodologies for evaluating the environmental impact of different land-use types (residential areas, abandoned and brown fields, urban green infrastructure);
Urban environmental planning;
Landscape ecology;
Location and land-use conflicts environmental impact assessment;
Protected areas and biodiversity management;
Urban green infrastructures ecosystem and social services evaluation.
The competence of the Department’s personnel is proven by the high percentage of PhD and postdoc qualifications, the number of national and international coordinated projects (Romanian National Research Agency, Ministry of Environment, LIFE Nature, ESPON, NGOs, local administration, private sector), the membership positions hold in professional organizations (SURE -Society for Urban Ecology, IALE, Isocarp) and the number of publications. The main bachelor programs where the members of the Department of Regional Geography and Environment teach are Environmental Geography, Geography and Territorial Planning (3 year programs). The Department organizes the Integrated Environmental Quality Assessment master program (2 years), that aims at training personnel with various skills for the implementation of European projects (urban planning), environment protection and conservation audit and consultancy, environment monitoring and assessment, public and private sector institutional management for environmental issues.
All the programs have a strong applicative side, with specific courses (GIS, institutional training in public and private sectors, European institutions study visit – Brussels, environment assessment instrumentation training), and an up to date approach to the labor market requirements in the field of environmental professions.


Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

– participating partner of the network

The Faculty of Technical Sciences was established in Novi Sad in 1960. The Faculty of Technical Sciences consists of 13 departments, 8 sectors for special services and 29 research centres. Research activities of the Faculty are directed towards the realization of research within fundamental, innovation and technology development projects. Faculty is accredited as a research and scientific institution. The members of the faculty are the authors of numerous papers published in the leading national and international journals, and at the international conferences in the country and abroad. Currently, there are more than 110 projects supported by Serbian and provincial ministry of science and technology and 59 international projects realized in different frameworks: FP6, FP7, COST, TEMPUS and CEEPUS.

Department of Architecture and Urbanism was established in 1996 at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Department has rich experience in field of education on sustainable development and urban and regional planning, as well as in the field of architectural design, interior design, history and theory of architecture. There are courses at all level of studies at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism (bachelor, master and PhD). Department has also participated in twining projects at Master course “Regional Policies and Development” (University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Sciences Department of Architecture and Urban Planning and University of Graz – Institute of Geography and Regional Science, implemented by WUS Austria) and Master course “Instruments and Methods for Cultural Heritage Conservation and Valorisation” (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, University of Urbino, University of Novi Sad, University of Sarajevo, University of Tirana, UniAdrion – Network of Universities).

Department of Architecture and Urbanism participated as coordinating institution within the research projects on the technological development “Redefining Models and Types of Public Spaces and Improvement of Strategies of their Renewal and Use in Spatial and Urban Planning and Design” (2008-2010), financed by Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, “Optimisation of architectural and urban planning and design in function of sustainable development in Serbia” (2011-2014), funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Serbia.

Members of the Department have published large number of papers within the field of architecture and urban planning presented on international scientific meetings and published in international and national journals for architecture and urbanism.

Department of Architecture and urbanism has participated in the expert projects and urban studies for towns and villages in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina which have great tourist potentials but totally underdeveloped (Sremska Mitrovica: the ancient city Sirmium was pronounced one of the four capitals of the Roman Empire; Irig: small town on the mountain of Fruška Gora where 16 monasteries are situated; Backa Palanka: small town on border crossing with Croatia; Banatsko Arandelovo: village near the border with Hungary and Romania with richest hunting ground in region).

Some of the most important architectural projects of the Department are Central Building for the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad, Scientific and Technological Park in Novi Sad, National Theatre in Subotica and many others.


Management Institute of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

– coordinator of the network

Management Institute of the Slovak University of Technology has been established by the Rectors´ decision, based on Act No.131/2002 on Universities and Advanced Education institutions, on February 28, 2008.

– interdisciplinary center directly attached to the Rectorate

– research focus is not only concentrated on basic research, but also on applied research in the field of methods and instruments of spatial planning, redevelopment, expertise and assessment

– research objectives: territorial cohesion, brown-fields, regional planning, environmental planning, strategic environmental assessment, and risk assessment in the urban and physical planning


Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana

– participating partner of the network

Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (FGG) is one of 25 faculties and academies of the University of Ljubljana. The Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering consists of two departments: Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Geodetic Engineering. Department of Geodetic Engineering consists of six chairs: Chair of Geodesy, Chair of Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Chair of Engineering Geodesy, Chair of Mathematic and Physical Geodesy and Navigation, Chair of Geodetic Information Technology and Real Estate Cadastres, and Chair of Spatial Planning. The Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana employs 126 full-time lecturers, 53 of them are teachers (15 full professors, 15 associate professors, 19 assistant professors, 4 lecturers), 44 teaching assistants (25 Ph.D., 6 M.Sc., and 10 graduate civil engineers), 16 professional associates, and 13 laboratory assistants. Beside the basic educational activity the Faculty’s staff is also involved in research and professional activities. These activities are closely connected and necessary for high quality education. Nonetheless they also enable better material ground for teaching, research and professional work at the Faculty. The total income of FGG is divided according to the following areas: 50% education, 17% research, 5% professional expertise, 23% national and 2% international market, and 3% from other activities. The Faculty’s employees are entrusted with tasks in the framework of research and professional activity from the field of civil and geodetic engineering based on different (inter)national clients, and with direct contracts as consultants for companies. The FGG has seven computer rooms equipped with most contemporary PCs and software. As a whole, the Faculty has about 200 PCs, 20 work stations and access to the main-frame computers of the University of Ljubljana. In the field of research activities the holders of teaching subjects are mainly involved in research projects issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and by other ministries. An increasingly important part of the research work includes bilateral projects and other forms of international research cooperation. Especially important are the projects of the European Commission, mainly the 6th and 7th Framework Program, as well as some other programs such as COST, Leonardo da Vinci, INTERREG, etc.

The UL-FGG – department of spatial planning involvement in international projects (> 2008):

Full title and funding programme:

Land use management for sustainable European cities (URBACT)

Metropolisation and Polycentric Development in Central Europe

Attractiveness of European Region and Cities for residents and Visitors

Land Use Patterns in EU

Experience in projects in international consortia and networks Nearly all of the above mentioned projects have been conducted in international consortia and networks. UL FGG has been active within in the ESPON (project 1.1.3) programme and as well involved in INTEREG III B (ESTIA-SPOSE, RePUS, R.A.V.E. SPACE …) projects and as a partner in other international projects (7OP, COST, Leonardo da Vinci …).

Activities of the Urban Innovations Network:

Each unit partner of the Urban Innovations Network manage the number of visiting incoming students/pedagogues through the traffic sheet which is available at the on-line network application for each member. Scholarships are paid out by National CEEPUS Offices.

Type of mobilities:

Student mobilities – long terms:

This kind of mobilities will be preferable in duration of 4 moths based on the ECTS rules. In special cases there will be a possibility to accord longer period, but no longer than 10 months per academical year. Those can be employed in case of double diplomas or thesis under joint supervision especially for students of master and doctoral degree as well.

Student mobilities – short terms:

In duration of 1 – 2 months will be reserved to undergraduate and mostly for PhD. students with the aim to finalize their thesis abroad in use of specific approach which is not present at their university of origin.

Teachers mobilities

These mobilities will be used in order to contribute to higher level of education through lectures given by specialists in specific fields. Intensive programs, teaching manual and electronic outputs included.

Study excursions and summer school will be planned during next academical year, with regard to possible financial support.

Student project: Urban – regional interdependencies

Purpose: first step towards joint degree


Urban agglomerations are key drivers of regional development. In the year 2010 the global level of urbanisation reached more than 50%. In Europe more than 70% of the population live in urban regions. Based on this development urban agglomerations face great challenges like for example urban sprawl, high consumption of resources and traffic flows. Imbalances within and between urban agglomerations occur or even grow e.g. in the field of employment and/or demographic structure (inter and intra-regional polarization). These trends often result in disparate fiscal developments between the core cities and their surrounding municipalities. While the forces impacting on the growth of cities have changed dramatically in many parts of the world planning systems have changed only very little. Steering those growing or shrinking agglomerations with the existing planning tools needs a revisit of urban and regional planning especially in the field of shopping malls, subsidized housing or cooperation of provinces. The goal of the project is to discuss the urban-regional interdependencies of demographic change, placing topics such as housing and commercial areas, regional infrastructures and mobility or urban-regional cooperation. What are the challenges of the urban regions nowadays and in the future? What regionally specific forms of planning and cooperation in urban regions are successful? What are the spatial consequences of planning decisions? What are the lessons learned?

On the example of the case studies regions innovative approaches for steering spatial development in urban regions and recommendations for actions to meet the different challenges in the city-regions will be designed.


The course is based on drawing up master- and development plans, and development scenarios, on a regional and urban scale, as well as investigating in more detail certain parts of the assignment. The project will be structured according to the following phases:

• Structuring the Process

• Situational Analysis

• Visioning

• Strategy formulation

• Recommendations and implementation plan

Students should develop their capacity to tackle by means of team-work, complex design assignments in the field of regional, as well as urban development planning. By working together with international universities, students are furthermore encouraged to develop a critical analysis of the different methods and approaches in tackling tasks. As a result, they would acquire a deeper general insight into the strategies of problem-solving.

Pedagogical goals of the Projects are:

– Linking theory and practice: The students apply their general knowledge at a very specific panning situation in an international context. They test their knowledge, which was already presented in lectures.

– Enhance knowledge of methods and skills for self responsible evaluation

– Enhance the ability of cooperative working

– Enhance creativity

– Enhance presentation skills

– Improving the personality in general of the participants

Organized by TU WIEN and STU in Bratislava

Coordination meetings:

In the course of the project the communication will occur mainly through emails and phone contacts.In the frame of AESOP congresses, during the academical year, there willbe organized at least one coordination meeting, where the partners canmeet personally and can exchange their experiences and propositions forthe network cooperation such as joint program strategy to the nextperiod, admission of new partners, e-learning and other possibilities.

Prijavni roki:

  1. 15. januarprijava/podaljšanje mrež (koordinatorji!)
  2. 15. junij za štipendije za zimski semester za prihajajoče študijsko leto (rok izjemoma podaljšan do 30. junija)
  3. 31. oktoberza štipendije za letni semester
  4. 30. november‘Freemovers’*

* ‘Freemovers’ lahko izkoristijo izmenjavo CEEPUS samo ob pogoju, da so znotraj mreže ostali neizkoriščeni meseci.

Prijave za štipendije znotraj mrež potekajo v celoti preko internetne strani CEEPUS programa:

Koraki prijave in izmenjave:

PRVIČ sodelujem v CEEPUS programu:

REGISTRIRAM se na CEEPUS domači strani ter počakam na potrditev registracije in geslo.


LOGIRAM se na CEEPUS domači strani.

  1. PrijavaIzpolni internetno prijavo (izbereš mrežo, matično institucijo, institucijo gostiteljico, želeno obdobje in trajanje izmenjave, vpišeš svoje podatke) – NATANČNO, s PRAVIMI PODATKI!!
  2. PotrditevTvoja prijava je nato potrjena na treh nivojih:
    1. najprej jo mora odobriti lokalni koordinator na matični instituciji,
    2. nato nacionalni CEEPUS urad v domači državi,
    3. zadnja dokončna dodelitev CEEPUS štipendije pa je v rokah nacionalnega CEEPUS urada v državi gostiteljici.
    Vse to poteka elektronsko, preko CEEPUS internetne strani.
  3. 1. obvestiloPrvo obvestilo o dodelitvi (ali zavrnitvi) CEEPUS štipendije prejmeš po el. pošti.
  4. OdobritevNacionalni CEEPUS urad države gostiteljice ti nato pošlje vso dokumentacijo in vse informacije v zvezi z odobreno CEEPUS izmenjavo na naslov, ki si ga navedel v prijavi. Sprejem štipendije potrdiš tako, da pošlješ nazaj t.i. ‘Letter of Acceptance’ (in ostalo dokumentacijo, po navodilih v dopisu!).
  5. Pred odhodomSledi priprava na bivanje v tujini (viza, zavarovanje,če je potrebno) – za to si odgovoren sam.
  6. InformacijeInstitucija gostiteljica ti pomaga vključiti se v novo okolje (nastanitev, kje dvigneš štipendijo…)
  7. Bivanje in študijŠtudiraš in uživaš na izmenjavi?
  8. Pred odhodom domovPred odhodom domov, ti mora koordinator mreže/partner z institucije gostiteljice podpisati potrdilo o opravljeni izmenjavi, t.i. ‘Letter of Conformation’.
  9. Po prihodu domovNajkasneje v dveh tednih po prihodu domov, moraš predložiti potrdilo o opravljeni izmenjavi (Letter of Conformation) in poročilo (Student/Teacher Report) nacionalni CEEPUS pisarni. Obrazec poročila najdeš na CEEPUS internetni strani.


Sredstva za program CEEPUS zagotavljajo države članice tako, da omogočijo štipendiranje in namestitev tujih študentov in profesorjev. Višine štipendij so torej različne v posameznih državah. Valuta CEEPUS je “štipendijski mesec”. Vsaka država letno določi število mesecev, ki jih ponudi mrežam.

Dokumenti, povezave:

  • Kako se registriram / logiram
  • Kako se prijavim za mobilnost
  • Mobilnost – prijava, vloga, odobritev, upravičenci do štipendije, poročilo o mobilnosti

Podrobnejše informacije lahko dobite pri:


Center republike Slovenije za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja
Ob železnici 30a

Organizacijska struktura

Organizacijska struktura temelji na prožnem upravljanju. Najvišji organ je skupni odbor ministrov, ki se sestane enkrat letno in sprejema vse najvišje in strateške odločitve. Glavne naloge osrednje pisarne CEEPUS (v kateri sta zaposleni samo dve osebi) so koordinacija, ocenjevanje, razvoj programov in oglaševanje. Vsaka država ima nacionalno pisarno CEEPUS, ki je zadolžena za izvajanje programa v posamezni državi. V izogib ustanavljanju novih administrativnih teles so nacionalne pisarne CEEPUS integrirane v obstoječe strukture, običajno nacionalne agencije.


V okviru programa CEEPUS ni prenosa sredstev, ampak so namesto tega na voljo interne “mesečne šolnine”. Vsaka država plačuje PRIHAJAJOČIM študentom in učiteljem in se zavezuje, da bo vsako šolsko leto zagotovila najmanj 100 šolnin. CEEPUS dogovor prav tako določa, da te šolnine vključujejo enotno plačilo v skladu z lokalnimi življenjskimi stroški. Do zdaj se je ta sistem izkazal za uspešnega.

Kdo je član?

V CEEPUS programu sodelujejo visokošolske institucije iz naslednjih držav: Albanija, Avstrija, Bolgarija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Češka, Črna Gora, Hrvaška, Kosovo, Madžarska, Makedonija, Moldavija, Poljska, Romunija, Slovaška, Slovenija in Srbija.

Mreže, meseci izmenjav, mobilnost študentov in profesorjev, štipendije

CEEPUS deluje na osnovi mrež (Network). Ustanovijo jih posamezne univerze, fakultete ali njihovi oddelki za določena področja. Tako imenovane “mreže” morajo sestavljati najmanj tri partnerske univerze/fakultete/oddelki, od katerih sta vsaj dve iz različnih držav. Ena od teh institucij je koordinator mreže.

Mreža kot celota kandidira za določeno število mesecev izmenjav, ki jih lahko nameni le za gostovanje tujih študentov in profesorjev v skladu s potrjenim predlogom programa izmenjave. Cilj programa CEEPUS je razvoj izobraževanja, zato je financiranje kongresov, konferenc in raziskovanj izključeno.

Študenti in profesorji lahko kandidirajo za štipendijo le znotraj mreže, v katero je njihova institucija vključena. Štipendijo CEEPUS dodeljuje država prejemnica in vključuje štipendijo, namestitev in zdravstveno varstvo ter zagotavlja oprostitev šolnine. Potni stroški niso pokriti! Mreža zagotavlja priznavanje študijskega obdobja, ki ga študent prebije na partnerski inštituciji, na domači inštituciji.

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