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Decentralised technologies for orchestrated cloud-to-edge intelligence (DECENTER)

Basic info:

Project Title Decentralised technologies for orchestrated cloud-to-edge intelligence (DECENTER)
Project team: Vlado Stankovski, Uroš Paščinski, Petar Kochovski, Sandi Gec, Salman Taherizadeh

36 months

7. 2018 – 6. 2021

Project Code: H2020-01-EU-Korea-2018


Lead partner:

Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Project leader: Vlado Stankovski (UL)
Source of finance: European Commision
Key words: Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Decentralisation, Federation


Other project partner’s organizations:

Fondazione Bruno Kessler Atos Commissariat a l’energie atomique
et aux energies alternatives
Comune di Trento Univerza v Ljubljani Robotnik automation
Korea Electronics Technology Institute LG U+ Seoul National University Daliworks Gluesys


DECENTER is a joint project of the EU and South Korea. The project scored 14.5 (out of 15) points at the evaluations, and was ranked first among 15 competing projects. It is the only project to be funded in 2018 under the EUK-01-2018 call. Total funds of €4,400,000 are nearly evenly split among the EU’s and Korean partners; UL’s share is €305,000.

The emerging spring of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable innovative smart construction applications exploiting the myriad of connected sensors and appliances. The potential number of applications in smart construction is vast. Due to this trend, various new domains such as smart homes, cities and communities, industry 4.0 and other are emerging.

Currently, the application of AI methods requires high computational resources only available in high-performance data centers; therefore, realizing an architecture capable of securely processing this unprecedented amount of remotely sensed and potentially sensitive data, as well as conveying timely responses to pervasive configurable actuators is a non-trivial endeavour, requiring the cooperation of multiple parties. To address these challenges, DECENTER aims to realise a robust Fog Computing platform, covering the whole Cloud-to-Things Continuum, that will provide AI application-aware orchestration and provisioning of resources. Cross-border infrastructure federation will be realized via Blockchain-based Smart Contracts.

Main goals

The main goal of DECENTER is to research and develop the concept and use case of smart construction. This will be achieved through the development of a robust AI driven Fog Computing platform for development of smart decentralised services. UL is the only participating university from the EU in this project and will contribute smart construction use case and the architecture, which is based on the use of new IoT, Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence methods. With the use of Smart Contracts and Blockchain DECENTER will allow for cross-border EU – South Korean smart application operation. The solution will be evaluated on a use case of a smart construction site.

Project work packages

WP1: Project Coordination and Management
WP2: Use Cases, System Architecture and Business Models
WP3: Decentralised Computing Infrastructure
WP4: Artificial Intelligence on Decentralised Computing
WP5: Integration and Demonstration
WP6: Dissemination, Communication, Standardization and Exploitation


Smart construction concept:

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