Enrollment procedure for 1st and 2nd Cycle Study
eVŠ Portal
To enroll the applicants must apply via electronic application on eVŠ Web Portal.
For the enrolment to our Faculty, please send by mail (or bring personally in the time of enrolment) the following documents:
- Application Students can apply to the 1st and 2nd cycle studies only through web portal eVŠ.
- Enrolment documentCompleted enrolment document (to open the enrolment letter use the user name and password according to the instructions below),
- Diplomathose candidates who did not finish any of the studies at the UL FGG shall bring for inspection their original diploma documents or original certificate of graduation,
- Money order formcopy of paid money order for the enrolment fee and
- A5 Envelopeempty A5 envelope with the address, where you wish to receive your enrolment certificate.
Enrolment to the first cycle studies at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, UL, is electronic via online student office. Below you may find all samples of documents required for the enrolment. Presentation brochures and course syllabi for each study program are available at the links below (details about each study).
Newcomers will receive detailed information about enrolment, including user name and password to enter the online student office, at the latest in the beginning of August via e-mail. The e-mails will be sent out a few days after the selection procedure done by the Enrolment and Application Information Office of the University of Ljubljana, to all students accepted to the studies at our faculty.
Web page for student affairs
To enter the students affair’s web page you need your digital identity – UL ID. Use the mail that was provided by foreign students affair’s office. If you have any problems with sign-in to the page send an email to support: referat@fgg.uni-lj.si.