Working From Home In The Post-Epidemic Period (third survey) (Third survey, February 2022 – March 2022, a summary of results on conditions and preferences for working from home today and in the future) Authors: Assist. Jana Breznik; Assist. Prof. Dr. Gregor Čok;...
Before the beginning of the academic year, the University of Ljubljana holds a traditional INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME DAY. If you missed the event, you can watch the full recorded session or check the presentation below and learn all there is to know about studying...
As part of their regular study obligations, master students in geodesy and geoinformatics visited the Regional office of the Surveying and Mapping Authority in Murska Sobota (SMA Murska Sobota) and the Municipality of Moravske Toplice at the beginning of January. The...
To whom it may concern: We are pleased to invite you to an international hybrid workshop between the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana and The IDEC Institute, Hiroshima University (12th Special seminar on The IDEC Institute, 5th...